My Doctor that commented, I am a 'Miracle Case'.
Why? Because,
I have been through
2003 08x CHOP
2004 03x RICE
2004 01x Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant
2005 28x Radiotherapy session
And still Happy Kicking and Alive after 6 years.
She explained that,
People with such agressive tumour and with the many times of relapse but still surviving till now, I belong to a small minority.
Survival rate for my case is 10%.
I gave her so much happiness hahaha.
I hope I give people HOPE for patients who have failed CHOP ...
It has never cross my mind that I am a 'miracle'
But I just want to live, so matter how hard, how tired, how painful, how depressing.
I kept my morale high, and EAT EAT EAT!
There are truly miracles on earth and it actually happen to me.
Keep your spirit high, and you will truly see miracle.